Specification • Transmit TEP ACKs A transmit TEP shall not send an ACK packet. Transmit TEP Sequence Number Allocation Each DATA packet transmitted shall have a sequence number allocated from the TEP's transmit window range of available sequence numbers. CONTROL Packet Sequence Number All CONTROL packets shall be transmitted with a sequence...
Transport Channel Connection
Specification • A transport channel connection shall be considered established when a transmit TEP and receive TEP are both in the OPEN state.
Unscreened Venting
Specification • All closed volumes in JAS mechanical structure shall have a minimum venting area requirement of 0.25 in^2 or greater venting area per ft^3 of volume.
Urgent Messaging
Specification • Urgent messaging is a best-effort priority communications path that does NOT provide for reliable delivery, missing packet detection, or out-of-sequence packet reordering. It may optionally be implemented in this protocol to facilitate an out-of-band transport pathway that may be useful for such things as time broadcasts, exception/error control, meta messages,...
Useful Metrics for Analyzing Topology Candidates
Other • Emerging high-bandwidth, low-latency network technology has made network-based architectures both feasible and potentially desirable for use in satellite payload architectures. Network architectures are capable of routing large amounts of traffic with reasonable latency, allowing considerable amounts of data between nodes to be shared. However, care must be exercised when developing...
Vacuum Impact
Specification • The JAS electronics shall consider testing in a thermal vacuum environment because inadequately heat-sunk parts will fail/burn-up. Overheating is the issue, exceeding maximum junction temperatures.
Specification • The JAS mechanical structure shall have no confined or captured volumes. Venting ports shall be provided to prevent damage, or the release of gases, due to pressure changes during testing, transportation, and launch. Threads need not be vented.
Vibration (Random)
Specification • The JAS housing support shall meet all performance specifications after being subjected to the vibration level prescribed by figure 5.5.1. This spectrum shall be applied, to the mounting brackets.
Volatile Memory Storage
Profile • The CH profile may also operate as a low- to medium-performance memory node, hosting volatile SDRAM memories that can store mission data for short periods of time. This application may be used to queue mission data, provide temporary storage of data for processing, and other similar functions. Volatile Memory Storage...
Volatile Memory Storage
Profile • The RP profile may operate as a high-performance mass memory node, hosting volatile SDRAM memories that can store mission data for short periods of time. This application may be used, for example, to queue mission data or temporary data storage for processing. Volatile Memory Storage Instantiation In this application, the...
Specification • While no specific node-to-node interconnection method is specified in JAS it is highly recommended that the nodes make use of a standards-based chassis and backplane such as VPX defined by VITA. The VPX standard provides high-speed switched serial interconnects between plug-in modules or nodes while providing for parallel bus interconnects...
Worst Case
Specification • If the link between the transmit and receive TEPs is bad, i.e. packets are corrupted or lost, and the receive TEP does not receive at least one CLOSE packet, the transmit TEP will transition to the CLOSED state after all retries have been exhausted and the receive TEP will remain...
X,Y, and Z Axis Random Vibration
Specification • The JAS support shall meet all performance specifications after being subjected to the random vibration environment prescribed by the figure below. Note that these are acceptance levels. This input should be used along with the program Strength Qualification Plan. Random Vibration
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