Specification • The preliminary JAS mounting details are defined by the baseplate details in ICD drawing xxxxxx. The JAS electronics box is meant to mount through the blue baseplate shown in the figure below. The figure shows a nominal 3x3 stack in an exploded view. JAS Mounting Exploded View Conducted Self-radiated panels...
Packet Addressing and Routing
Specification • Packets will be identified and routed in the system using the SAPID, DAPID, ST, and SST. Applications shall provide these fields to the JAS Packet Service to create the stream of packets that will be sent across the communication channel. Communication channels and addresses, such as a SpaceWire address, can...
Packet Error Control
Specification • Even though JAS network protocols offer a guaranteed delivery option, there still exists the possibility of an error being introduced into a packet while it is being created or transferred from memory to the communication channel. To provide an additional layer of error detection all JAS packets shall contain a...
Packet Sequencing
Specification • The use of the packet sequencing fields within the JAS packet is different from the definition in the CCSDS and PUS standards. The original intention of the packet sequence counter was to provide two functions. First, it was used in combination with the sequence flags to reassemble data sets that...
Packet Service Definitions
Specification • [Placeholder: services reserved for and specific to JAS; this is a lead in to describe the services. Contact SNL if immediate support is needed with this topic. Content will be developed for JT 2.0.]
Particulate Contamination
Specification • Internal Cavities will be wiped clean with isopropyl alcohol and allowed to air dry for 30 minutes prior to close out; the structure will be covered during the drying process. The surfaces will be visibly clean. Visibly clean is defined as no contamination visible when viewed from 6-18 inches away...
PCI Express
Specification • PCI Express, or PCIe, is another multi-lane high speed serial interconnect technology. Each lane is a full-duplex data stream comprised of two differential signaling pairs, one for transmitting and one for receiving.
Platform Management Service
Specification • The platform management service, service type address 130 is used to configure, manage, and monitor network specific resources. The currently defined platform management service parameters are shown in the following table. Service Type Service Subtype Subtype Description Cmd Tlm Service Parameters Data Types and Description 130 11 Network Topology Upload...
Potential Flight Capability
Specification • Each component of the JAS mechanical structure should consider Flight capability as this will force consideration of design, flight, and test environments described in this specification. The JAS mechanical structure should be designed for the specific application intended.
Power Conversion
Profile • The input power for CH nodes is provided by one or more voltage rails that are distributed throughout the system. This distributed voltage is typically a higher voltage than those required by the components on the board in order to improve efficiency by minimizing losses through distribution. The CH node...
Power Distribution Architecture
Specification • JAS will accept at least one primary input power source supplied to the system. The primary input power will connect directly to the Power Supply or PS node in a JAS arrangement. The PS node converts the primary input voltage to a lower voltage which is then sent to all...
Power Supply Profile
Other • The PS profile defines a high-performance power solution, suitable for powering JAS nodes. The PS profile works alongside other nodes within the JAS architecture. The SMAC and Communications profile implement connectivity and data transfer from PS nodes to other nodes in the system. Power Supply Node The figure below illustrates...
Specification • The JAS structure shall meet all performance specifications during and after exposure to pressures varying from atmospheric to the space environment of 10-14 Torr. All thermal-vacuum ground based testing shall be conducted at pressures less than 10-6 Torr.
Pressure Change
Specification • The structure shall be designed to survive the change of pressure specified in the figure below. The launch and ascent pressure environment will lie between Pc(Max) and Pc(MIN). Pressure Change Within the envelope defined in figure above, the local rates of change will remain between the values shown in the...
Specification • The protocols described in the following sections are used for various SpaceWire applications depending on the needs of the communication interface. Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP) is a SpaceWire standard used for memory access. JAS Efficient Exchange Protocol (JEEP) and JAS Reliable Data Delivery Protocol (JRDDP) are both specific to...
Quasi-Static Loads
Specification • Quasi-static loads shall be applied per the program Strength Qualification Plan. The axial and radial acceleration loads are to be applied simultaneously for an 11 g (TBD?) load in the worst case direction.
Radiation Effects Mitigation
Specification • The primary space effect requiring mitigation is the radiation environment, which causes gradual degradation of electronic devices and single event effects (SEE). Parts that have demonstrated destructive SEE, such as SEL or SEGR, should not be incorporated into the node unless absolutely necessary. It is equally important to test the...
Rear Transition Module
Specification • The rear transition module (RTM) of the VPX standard is a plug-in module at the back of the circuit card chassis that is in line with the front plug-in module or node. The backplane connectors on the RTM are the same as those used on the plug-in nodes. Also, as...
Receive TEP Operations
Specification • A receive TEP shall not send DATA or CONTROL packets. It may only send ACK packets. Sliding Window The receive TEP shall maintain a sliding window, which is a range of consecutive sequence numbers that is used to determine whether each received DATA packet will be accepted or discarded. The...
Reconfigurable Processing Profile
Other • The Reconfigurable Processing (RP) profile defines a high-performance processing solution suitable for constructing nodes for mission data processing, sensor interfaces, and other applications requiring high-bandwidth processing and communications. Nodes based on the RP profile work alongside other nodes within the JAS architecture. The SMAC Profile and the Communication Profile implement...
Remote Memory Access Protocol
Specification • JAS should use the RMAP standard to remotely access memory devices across the SpaceWire network.
Screened Venting
Specification • Where venting requires a screen to maintain cleanliness requirements, based on a 5µ Pall Rigidmesh screen, there shall be 1.5 in^2 or greater screen area per ft^3 of volume where the volume is the sum of multiple daisy-chained volumes. The daisy chained volumes shall be vented.
Secondary POL Conversion
Specification • JAS nodes should include POL conversion as needed. POL conversion has become very popular as the voltage requirements of electronic components have continued to drop. It is quite common for many digital electronic devices to use voltages of 1.8 VDC and below. Routing high current, low voltages around a printed...
Serial RapidIO
Specification •
Serial RapidIO
Specification • Serial RapidIO (or just RapidIO) is a high-performance packet-switched, interconnect technology utilizing either 8b/10b or 64b/67b encoding on data links, or lanes, with speeds up to 6.25 Gbps. Multiple lanes may be used in increase data throughput.
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